Thursday, January 28, 2016

Poetry Wednesday-- January 20, 2016


Soft and worn,
I snuggle with my master...
Four years of stubborn, still with a baby voice;
She pulls my ears,
She throws me down,
I am her comfort at nap time.
I appeared in a woven basket,
When she was just sitting up 
In April breezes.
My fur is turning
White to brown,
But I am loved.

Wednesday Poetry January 27, 2016


Driving peacefully through slush,
Where three feet of cold cotton stood yesterday.
It was pure white; so white, it was blinding.  
And now, the magic has waned, devolved 
From a moment still in time, where life paused 
As we were ensconced in silent white;
Now, speeding up to the normal reckless pursuits.

A voice emerges from the back,
Mommy, why is the snow stained?
Ah!  Now, where peace once blanketed the road,
Black stains, soot and chemical mix
To shatter the illusion.

Instead of the beauty of the landscape,
We now are impatient for it to be hauled away,
To hurry our indecent relaxation in a truck,
With the stain a lonely reminder of 
What we had three days ago.