Monday, June 13, 2016

Catch up: Selections from the April Poem a Day challenge

He said she said

It'll be fine! We can get it done,
It won't cost much; 
It won't take long;
It's a great idea.

She replied, our budget is small-
It would be great;
But where will our budget come from?

Projects are always more than expected,
Take longer;
The things we do for the perfect house.


Slowly I ease
Into my armor,
One sleeve then another
Girding myself for the backlash
Wrong hair wrong shirt
Wrong look
Then practice the mantra
I can do this
Preparing for the harsh light 
Of a Monday morning.



My grandma loved to play
Tricks on unsuspecting family;
Though the pine sol beach house
With no floors wasn't meant to be a joke.
We played with plastic poo,
And she laughed,
"Y'all quit foolin around!"


Urban love

They sit on the metro,
Facing a businessman who
Is in his own world
Like they are.
Gazing eyes
Wandering hands
Stray giggles.
They are freshmen in
This town,
With a lot to lean about how
Relationships work in
The capital.



My hand unconsciously slides across
Paper, every time someone starts talking.
My black notebook is filled with
Random words in patterns
Ignoring the straight lines,
Reflecting my chaotic mind
When I'm puzzling out
The pieces of my life.


Hide out

Shhh, don't crack the floor!
We are pretending to be 
Invisible, giggling loudly!
The blankets and pillows cover
Out stuffed animals, and us
While we negotiate our hideout in
Our imagination.



I am,
I swear-
When short bursts of silence come;
I sit, the quiet soothing my mind,
And contemplate an amazing life.
The trappings of success,
Or so they say.
In the moment,
When chaos spills out,
My list is a little too long,
I have to cater to everyone else,
When I forget to be grateful. 


How silly to see
A half finished me
When all I want
Is quiet and whatnot.

Take it away
I did want to stay
In my skewed hibernation.


In my limited experience
When the cracks start to show
That's when 
True intentions spill 
And reveal the passion
Behind the hello.



It's the best I can do,
But my mind is convinced
Other eyes and hearts are judging me.
The second guessing
The exhaustion
Feed a spiral
And I lash out.


Last nerve

The second guessing
The backhanded compliments
The doubt;
Goodwill seeps out
On both sides,
Leaving us bitter 
No respect from you
Means I am on
My last nerve. 


Time out

My brain swirls
With lists and tidbits
Things I'm supposed to write down for posterity
With half finished thoughts
Distracted by laundry
And housework
And family
Trying to fit in a workout
With meditation
Healthy snacks
Coloring pictures 
Meeting others' expectations.
Plus work!
Mommy needs a time out.



I remember When it was
The fanciest casual restaurant
We had;
The line spilled out of the door
Hour waits were the norm.
I went out with a boys' parents
And it was the most grown up I felt
At 16. 

Vaunted pieces of paper stare back at me,
Assuring me I am overqualified 
And over stressed.

My office is quiet, but my daily stroll
Shows me the circus below,
And I am grateful to be off the 
Island, away from my comrades.

My computer dings with 
And doesn't give me a time to stop and think.

Information streams into my eyes
and out of my head,
And I am quizzed every time 
I see one of many bosses.

The office is a place
Where negotiations take place,
But no work can begin. 


Be cool, they say-
What is that?
Is it to rise above
The noise,
Believe in yourself
Or is it also
Making others feel bad?
In school,
I was respectful to all
And labeled 


My daughter asked me
To draw stars on her paper.
I tried to teach her
Moving my hand slowly 
But she wouldn't try
Violently resisted.
Frustration-- why did she not try, at least?

Two days later,
Hurrying in to pick her up,
Her teacher asked, did you teach her
How to draw stars?
She said mommy did.

And I was filled with love-
I can teach her by example,
Even when she wont mimic back.

Lost and found

One brief moment
From calm to panic--
I glance down at the insistent buzz,
And she flashes from here to gone.
I turn in panicked circles,
Not seeing her baby hair
Solid legs
Doll smile.
Dread overwhelms;
Then, out of a clothes rack
She pops out
Laughing at her game of chase
And I find my heart 
And my breath.


The smell of sleep,
Slightly damp pillow cotton;
My head settles in just right.
I lift my feet up stretching my toes
My heels
To relax.
The eye pillow goes on
And I smell lavender through my dreams.
I drift off.
I love a good nights sleep.

It's a talent
Running both ways
Managing life 
On the tip of a needle;
My brain goes everywhere
Spiderweb of thoughts
No rhyme or reason


When I finally called it,
Walked away 
I saw something reflected back in my eyes;
Was it judgement?
Unrequited love?
Anger? Sadness?
I think the thing
Left unsaid
Was relief 
I finally broke away.

I thought I loved you
And fought to hang on;
But I didn't really
Just wanted to control
Look good
Mold you into what I thought.
When you broke away
I was empty,
Because the love I felt 
Had already gone before you did.

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